PROJECTS > The Portrait Project

Solo Exhibition, Queen Elizabeth Community & Cultural Centre, Oakville, ON, 2012-2013
Screening, John R. Rhodes Seniors Residence, Oakville, ON, 2012

As Oakville Galleries' Community Arts Programmer in spring 2012, I met one-on-one with residents of the John R. Rhodes Seniors Residence to create video portraits of a community of local seniors. The Portrait Project was initially conceived as an opportunity to capture the individual life narratives of local seniors for their friends and families. What emerged in the process was something much greater: an oral history of a particular community of Oakvillians. The result was a full-length documentary along with a series of short video interviews with the project’s individual participants.

Project participants: Vernon Bell, Beverly Bryce, Jim Burnham, Elizabeth Carmichael, Sue & Russell McLaughlan, Salvatori Pasanisi, Barbara Whithouse, and Regina.

Asst Editor: Anna May Henry

Documentary Video
48 mins 30